
Create a Christmas Book Advent Calendar

Have you ever heard of a Christmas book Advent calendar? It’s so simple and yet so fun. And best of all, it’s the perfect way to incorporate read-aloud time into your family’s holiday traditions.

Here’s How It Works

With a Christmas book Advent calendar, instead of a toy or a piece of candy, your child opens a Christmas picture book every day. It’s like a chocolate Advent calendar … only better!

Stack of picture books with hot cocoa

Gather Your Books

First, gather enough books so that you’ll have one for every day of Advent. You can use my library list to gather books from the library, or you can use this holiday activity as an excuse to build up your own library of beautiful Christmas books!

So how many books will you need?

The traditional Advent calendar begins on the Sunday nearest the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (November 30) and continues through four Sundays, ending on December 24. This year (2022) Advent begins on Sunday, November 27, so that means you’ll need 28 books.

Wrap Your Books

Wrap enough Christmas books for every day of Advent and add a numbered tag to each one. Create your own tags or download our Printable Advent Tags and choose a set to print and attach to your wrapped picture books.

download printable advent tags now

Display Your Books

Now it’s time to display your Christmas book Advent calendar.

wrapped books for advent calendar

Put the books under the Christmas tree, on a shelf, or in a basket. You might even want to keep them hidden so that your kids will have to hunt for them.

wrapped books in a basket for book advent calendar

How you display them is up to you. Be creative and make it fun!

wrapped books with book advent calendar tags

Countdown to Christmas with Picture Books!

Now comes the fun part. On each day during Advent, have your children open one of the wrapped books for your family to read together. The “togetherness” is part of the joy of this engaging holiday activity.

little boy unwraps picture book for book advent calendar girl opens a picture book for book advent calendar

Perhaps this is the year you’ll start a new reading tradition in your household. Grab a cup of cocoa, a warm, snuggly blanket, and some kids, and get started with some beautiful Christmas books!

girl reads her advent calendar book

Looking for Christmas Picture Books?


If you’d like to create your own picture book Advent calendar but need some picture book inspiration, here are some of my favorite picture books for Christmas. Click to download a checklist of my favorites to take to your local library.

Looking for MORE books? You can find more great library lists here!

Holiday Book Traditions Shared by Our Readers

  • Use a mix of books and movies! – shared by Angela
  • Go outdoors to read your books every day. – shared by Cheryl
  • Read The Advent Book by Jack and Kathy Stockman. – shared by Danielle
  • Wrap a new book for each child to deposit on their beds after they fall asleep on Christmas Eve. – shared by Heather
  • Keep a collection of Christmas books that stay in a special basket during Advent. – shared by Danielle
  • Re-wrap Advent picture books before they get stored for the next year! – shared by Beth
  • Just leave unwrapped books under the tree for the kids to choose for anytime reading. – shared by Kelsy
  • Keep a basket of Christmas books under the tree to read aloud during the Christmas season. – shared by Jessica L.
  • Every Christmas our family reads each night from the Jesus Storybook Bible. As soon as dinner is over, we read a chapter and put a corresponding ornament on a little tree. – shared by Annette
  • Start a “12 Days of Christmas” tradition with a different theme for each day. Have books to read, crafts to create, and movies or special foods to enjoy. – shared by Meggen L.
  • Light the advent wreath’s candle and read a Christmas book. – shared by Elizabeth

Does your family have any favorite holiday book traditions? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

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This is such a fun idea! A great way to expand their love of books, during the magic of Christmas.
I’ll definitely be doing this next Christmas.



I filled my library requests from this list and found some great books. Our library has had wrapped bundles to check out. All the books were surprises. A very special librarian asked each of my kids what they liked to read about and made tailored bundles.


says: Customer Service

It sounds like you have a wonderful librarian! What a great treasure!



Matchless theme….


says: Customer Service

Thank you.



The same, infinitely



It is very valuable phrase

Melaina Cox


Love all these ideas! Going to get ready for next year!


says: Customer Service

Getting ready well ahead does reduce the stress of hurrying!

Bethany M.


This is such a lovely tradition. We keep a basket of books in our living room and at Christmas we swap all the usual books with beloved holiday ones, but the advent idea would make it even more special.


says: Customer Service

Thank you, Bethany!

Tasha D


I love this idea! I am going to do this next year with my kiddos! They are going to love it!


says: Customer Service

Glad you plan to use this idea, Tasha!

What I do when I find an idea I want to implement months from now is put it on my calendar as an appointment. That way I don’t forget!

Sydney L


I missed the chance for this but plan to do it next year. I’ve always loved the idea and the option to include library books, especially. An experience reading a holiday/winter story together each day is a great way to count down the season!


says: Customer Service

I hope you have fun doing this next year! Such a cozy way to enjoy the season!

Emily L


I love this tradition!

Karen Hardy-Moore


Such an amazing idea! So cute!


says: Customer Service

Thank you, Karen!

Erica Palmer


What a beautiful, concrete way to count down to an anticipated occasion! I like the adaptability of this idea – while many of us are familiar with advent calendars for Christmas, you could use a book-a-day countdown for any meaningful holiday, a birthday, a special trip, or another similar experience. Additionally, you do not have to purchase all of the books you use. As long as it does not damage the book, library books on related topics are ideal for an advent or countdown calendar.


says: Customer Service

Yes, great points, Erica!



My kids love this, but we do it for the 12 days of Christmas (following) they love the excitement of another surprise, even if it isn’t a book for their age. We sit and read it together


says: Customer Service

Oh, what a great adaptation, Angela! Thanks for sharing.



I really love this idea! The first few years I try it, I think I’ll wrap the books in whatever I have on hand (reusable bags, pieces of fabric, etc.). Then if my child loves it and the tradition sticks, I may possibly invest in more festive cloth drawstring bags to reuse every year to wrap the books.


says: Customer Service

Reusable gift bags are great idea!



We are doing the books this year! We found many at the library sale and utilizing many of the Good and Beautiful books! With 5 kids, it is exciting to see them engaged in a book rather than the computer or TV.



I love this idea. But I like to mix it up with great books that aren’t only holiday related.



This is a fantastic idea! I love the change from chocolate.

Chilsea Tankersley


Oh I love this idea! Thrifting books would be fun too. Thank you for the resource!



We gave a book advent a try for the first time this year and it has been a huge success! All of my kids (ages 8-2) look forward to opening and listening to the book each day! Thanks for the idea!!


says: Customer Service

Thanks for letting us know this book advent is working so well with your children! Love it!



A gift each day! Maybe put a tag on for each child if there’s more than one reading level. Why not do this during other holiday breaks?

Shalyn Sanford


Love this idea!



Yes! This is such a great idea to get children excited about reading!

Yahiliz Seiltgen


Absolutely great idea!



Super cool idea!

Mindy Welhouse


Love this idea!



We love doing this as a family, only I don’t limit it to holiday books. I try mixing in favorites as well as ones we haven’t read in awhile.

Maria G


I love this idea!



We did this and the whole family loved it!!



What a sweet idea! I’ll definitely be implementing next year when my boys are a little more able to read on their own. We love read alouds so I might put a basket of those beneath our tree for now!



I LOVE this idea! Sometimes it gets so hard during the hustle and bustle of the season to take the time to read aloud every day. This is a wonderful way to keep the daily reading going during the busiest time of the year!