

What I Wish I Knew Before Homeschooling

When you’re first beginning your homeschooling journey, it can feel overwhelming. It’s a big task with a weighty responsibility and one we all endeavor to do well. Many of us doubt ourselves, wonder if we’re doing the right thing, and…

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I’m Thinking About Homeschooling, but …

… I’m not organized. … I wasn’t good at school myself. … I don’t have enough time. … my child will miss out. So you’re thinking about homeschooling but have doubts and concerns. Everyone does. Let’s address a few common…

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Free download: Printable Binder Cover and Spine Inserts for All Levels!

New Organizational Printable! – Binder Spine and Cover Inserts for All About Reading and All About Spelling

Free Printable Binder Cover and Spine Inserts – All Levels! We hear you! Fun, colorful binder cover inserts featuring your level’s hero character make starting each day’s lesson, well, more fun! Plus, bold, easy-to-read spine labels make your life a…

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How to Start Homeschooling

Congratulations! You’ve decided to start homeschooling! If you’re feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, don’t worry—that’s totally normal. After all, the decision to homeschool is an important commitment and responsibility, but the rewards are incredible. Is it a big…

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How to Organize All About Reading…or Not!

All About Reading is an open-and-go program, but some of our users enjoy organizing the materials in their own way. Which way best suits you?

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organization tools featured graphic

Organizational Tools I Couldn’t Homeschool Without

Explore our list of must-have organizational tools for homeschooling families.

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