Color-coded letter tiles are a fantastic way to help your child learn to read and spell! Whether you’re using the Letter Tiles app or the physical letter tiles, letter tiles enable your child to quickly and easily grasp new concepts.
Here’s a short video demonstrating how letter tiles can be used to teach reading and spelling. This particular lesson from All About Spelling teaches when to use K and when to use CK at the end of a word.
Do you see how easy that concept was for our student to understand? Letter tiles are awesome!
7 Benefits of Using Letter Tiles
Whether you use the Letter Tiles app or the physical letter tiles, the benefits to your child are the same.
Letter tiles help you explain reading and spelling concepts very clearly. Concepts and ideas become something your child can see and manipulate.
The different colors help students visualize the different roles that letters have. In the video above, for example, colored tiles helped Oliver distinguish between vowels and consonants.
Your child can try out the rules and see how they work. With letter tiles, concepts are no longer abstract or difficult to understand.
Mistakes are no big deal. It’s much easier to exchange tiles than to erase and rewrite a word.
Letter tiles make it easier to stay on task for longer periods of time… …especially for younger kids who are still developing fine motor skills and for whom writing is more tiresome.
Letter tiles lay the groundwork for the accomplishment of bigger goals. Letter tiles don’t take the place of spelling words with paper and pencil. Instead, they act as a fantastic learning tool that will enable your student to learn to spell more quickly and accurately, helping him get to the real goal: writing.
Color Coding Makes Learning Easier
Color coding makes it easy for students to see the role that each type of letter plays in a word. For example, consonants are blue, vowels are red, and phonograms representing the sound of /er/ (such as ER, IR, and UR) are purple. The chart below shows all our letter tile colors.
Letter Tiles App or Physical Tiles—Which Should I Choose?
You can’t go wrong with either the Letter Tiles app or the physical tiles. They are both great options! Here are some considerations to help you decide:
With the Letter Tiles app:
It’s easy to capitalize words
You can hear the sounds of the phonograms as you teach
No more worries about lost letter tiles
Lessons are easy to teach “on the go”
Need to switch between students? No problem! Simply select your current lesson in All About Reading or All About Spelling and you’re ready to begin.
The Letter Tiles app has been our most requested product of all time, but the physical letter tiles have devoted fans as well.
As you’re deciding between the app and the physical tiles, consider which option would be the most engaging to your child. Which one would your child want to use? Some clues to consider: Does my child prefer colored pencils, or does she like computer games? Is my child used to learning from technology, or is he more comfortable with traditional methods of learning? Does she prefer to read paper books or eBooks?”
And be sure to consider your preferences as well. Do you like the larger format of the magnetic white board? Do you have a place to store the board, or are you attracted to the compact nature of the app?
The bottom line is that teaching and learning will be the same no matter which option you choose. What’s most important is that you have a way to teach the concepts and your child has an enjoyable way to practice and experiment. The physical letter tiles and the Letter Tiles app both provide interactive methods that make spelling and reading concepts more concrete for your child.
Additional Resources for the Letter Tiles App
Video of App Benefits
How to Use the App
The Letter Tiles app is intuitive and easy to use. Here are two videos to show you the basic and advanced features.
Basic Features:
Advanced Features:
Where to Get the Letter Tiles App
Follow these links to purchase the Letter Tile app:
Additional Resources If You Use Physical Letter Tiles
How to Set Up Your Letter Tiles
You can use your letter tiles on a table, but it is much easier to use a magnetic white board. You can get magnetic white boards at stores such as Walmart or Staples. Two feet by three feet is a good size because it will hold all the tiles while still allowing work space in the center of the board.
When you first set up your magnetic white board, you’ll only include the tiles that have already been introduced. You don’t want to clutter up your board with tiles that your student hasn’t learned yet. If you are just starting out in Level 1, then, your set-up will look like this:
By the time you get to the end of All About Reading or All About Spelling, your board will contain all the phonograms:
If You Ever Lose a Tile…
Here at All About Learning Press, we know that even in the most careful households, letter tiles sometimes disappear. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s Rachel with all the details!
How about you? Do you use physical letter tiles or our new letter tiles app? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
Is there any chance that the letter tiles app will be released for PC? We use physical tiles, but I have a toddler who is really engaged with the computer, and I think this would be super beneficial for him. We don’t have a tablet.
(Apologies – I know this question exists over on the app page, but the drop-down FAQ answers aren’t opening for me.)
I am sorry about the FAQ answers on the Letter Tiles App page! We have our IT Team working on that.
The Letter Tiles app is available for Amazon, Android, and Apple tablets and touchscreen Chromebooks.
The app is designed to be used directly by touching and manipulating the tiles (versus using a mouse or touchpad), which makes it perfect for use on a tablet. From an instructional standpoint, learning is more tactile if the student can physically touch and move the letter tiles. Using a mouse or touchpad to “touch” tiles is not as effective for many students. The demand for using the app on touchscreen computers other than Chromebooks hasn’t been very large yet, unfortunately, so our developer hasn’t expanded in that direction yet. (Each type of device requires unique programming.)
I’ll share your interest with our developer; if the demand does increase, perhaps it’s something we can consider in the future.
I tried the app but it kept freezing on my Samsung tablet, forcing it to close. The glitches were frustrating and we spent more time trying to troubleshoot rather than focusing on the actual lesson. We wasted a lot of time. I wish I would have known the app wouldn’t work out, now I have to pay for shipping again to order the letter tiles and missed the discount code I had when I bought the level one program.
I’m so sorry you have had so much trouble with the app on your tablet. Please email us the specifics and we will help make it right!
Oh my, I must say, this blog post is absolutely impressive! The author did a fantastic job of presenting well-researched information and presenting it in a clear and engaging way. I discovered the content to be highly enlightening and thought-provoking. The writing style is fascinating, making it easy to remain interested throughout the whole article.
This feature came in an update, so you may need to go into the app store on your device and update the app.
Once your app is up to date, you will find the Alphabetize feature in the drop menu that starts with All About Reading. The Alphabetize feature is the bottom of that menu. Here is a video that shows how the feature works.
Our tablet is set up with parental controls and it will not let me download the app. Anyone else experience this? I’m not sure which setting I can change to allow it to download
I’m happy to try to help, but I would need to know what kind of tablet you have and what operating system it is using.
However, I wonder if the parental controls are set so that no apps can be downloaded, or if only free apps can be downloaded. Can you possibly turn of the parental controls until after you get the app installed?
Please email us at with the make and model of your tablet, as well as operating system and what happens when you try to download the app.
If I am working with a group of 3 students do I need to purchase the letter tiles app 3 times? Or will one purchase allow me to have all 3 of them on their iPads at once?
If all three iPads are set up through Family Sharing, then you can purchase the app once and put it on all three iPads. If the device accounts aren’t connected in that way, then the app would need to be purchased for each device separately.
I have three children in various levels of AAS and two in AAR. We love these programs! I’ve always used the app, but I want to try the physical tiles. How important is it to remove the unnecessary tiles before each child’s lesson each day?
When I had multiple kids in multiple levels of All About Reading and Spelling, I kept the tiles everyone was using toward the center of the board, and the ones only the oldest student was using toward the edges, and the in between ones in between. I still put the tiles in their appropriate categories, like the consonant team tiles under the Consonant Team heading, but the higher level ones were at the outside of that category. Does that make sense? I could try to explain further.
Anyway, it worked great, and it had the added bonus of letting the lower level students get a peak at what was coming.
We use the physical tiles for when we are
in the school room and app when we out outside or traveling. Being able to physically move the letters helps my dyslexic daughter connect the different sounds she hears in a word!
The Letter Tiles app is an optional one-time purchase that can be used in place of the physical Letter Tiles, or on days that you want to take reading or spelling on the go. It is compatible with Android, Amazon, and Apple tablets and touchscreen Chromebooks only.
We are just getting started with our homeschool journey. I think I have one child that would prefer the app and the other that would learn better with the physical tiles. To be honest, I love the color coding. I was on the fence with this problem but after reading through everything I may just have to give it a shot!
I agree with you about the color coding! It really helps students to see the various categories of phonograms and to group them more easily in their minds.
Do you have any questions about the program? I’m happy to help.
I just started using AAR1 with my daughter. I think the physical tiles are nice for hands-on learning. I’ve realized that moving forward, it might be better to use the app so I don’t have to spend time tracking down each letter tile I’ll need for a lesson. Love that both options are available, and I am loving the program so far!
My son is a sensory seeker (but struggles some with fine motor skills) and he loves the physical tiles! I love that he has started coming up with his own words to spell out when we’re doing the lessons now!
Absolutely love the app! AAR was never on my radar because of the amount of pieces involved. Im so glad I gave it another look because we have ditched all other reading programs I’ve tried through our 11 years of homeschooling, for AAR. We only need level 4 to complete our collection!
I would Love to purchase the AAR LEVEL …3, for two children, with the proceeds from this GiveAway!
My eldest is almost 12 now. We are finishing up Level 1, and I already have Level 2 to begin this summer. He is severely dyslexic, and he is READING! And HE LOVES TO READ! (Contrary to all that I have heard from others who claimed that persons with dyslexia never enjoy reading even after they are successful at it.) I always held a firm belief that he would enjoy reading as much as I do. He now volunteers to read in his HomeSchool-Community-Day Class, (~5th Grade Language course).
I am so grateful for having found this program, and for it’s creator, Marie Ripple for sharing her “Recipe for Success” from her experience with her family of children with dyslexia. THANK YOU!
I now pray that I will find the recipe for dyscalcula! In the mean time, I am using some similar strategies to those that I learned in the AAR & AAS programs.
We love the tiles and the app. The app makes it easier to switch subjects or to switch between kids without having to reset the whole board by hand. But, there is something fun about using the tiles. So, we use a mix!
We have been loving using letter tiles! My son said the other day he went to find an “a” on a keyboard and reached his left hand out to “pull one down from the whiteboard!” It really sticks!
Is there any chance that the letter tiles app will be released for PC? We use physical tiles, but I have a toddler who is really engaged with the computer, and I think this would be super beneficial for him. We don’t have a tablet.
(Apologies – I know this question exists over on the app page, but the drop-down FAQ answers aren’t opening for me.)
Thank you!
says: Customer ServiceI am sorry about the FAQ answers on the Letter Tiles App page! We have our IT Team working on that.
The Letter Tiles app is available for Amazon, Android, and Apple tablets and touchscreen Chromebooks.
The app is designed to be used directly by touching and manipulating the tiles (versus using a mouse or touchpad), which makes it perfect for use on a tablet. From an instructional standpoint, learning is more tactile if the student can physically touch and move the letter tiles. Using a mouse or touchpad to “touch” tiles is not as effective for many students. The demand for using the app on touchscreen computers other than Chromebooks hasn’t been very large yet, unfortunately, so our developer hasn’t expanded in that direction yet. (Each type of device requires unique programming.)
I’ll share your interest with our developer; if the demand does increase, perhaps it’s something we can consider in the future.
says:I tried the app but it kept freezing on my Samsung tablet, forcing it to close. The glitches were frustrating and we spent more time trying to troubleshoot rather than focusing on the actual lesson. We wasted a lot of time. I wish I would have known the app wouldn’t work out, now I have to pay for shipping again to order the letter tiles and missed the discount code I had when I bought the level one program.
says: Customer ServiceKarlie,
I’m so sorry you have had so much trouble with the app on your tablet. Please email us the specifics and we will help make it right!
Tankiso saku
says:Where was this block all my life? oh my, oh my, oh my goodness, thank you so much for this my 5-year-old will be thrilled.
says: Customer ServiceThank you, Tankiso!
Soledad Darragh
says:Oh my, I must say, this blog post is absolutely impressive! The author did a fantastic job of presenting well-researched information and presenting it in a clear and engaging way. I discovered the content to be highly enlightening and thought-provoking. The writing style is fascinating, making it easy to remain interested throughout the whole article.
says: Customer ServiceThank you, Soledad.
says:You are in TIME with your super instruments.High class in everything you give.Thank you very much.It is for me very, very important.
says: Customer ServiceYou’re welcome, Lena.
says:A great post without any doubt.
says: Customer ServiceThank you!
says:In our all about the spelling book it says there’s an alphabetize option in the app but I cannot find it.
says: Customer ServiceKim,
This feature came in an update, so you may need to go into the app store on your device and update the app.
Once your app is up to date, you will find the Alphabetize feature in the drop menu that starts with All About Reading. The Alphabetize feature is the bottom of that menu. Here is a video that shows how the feature works.
Let me know if you need more help!
says:You might want to correct “thapht” on #2 (7 Benefits of Using Letter Tiles).
says: Customer ServiceThank you for pointing that out, Leslie! We’ll get right on that!
says:Our tablet is set up with parental controls and it will not let me download the app. Anyone else experience this? I’m not sure which setting I can change to allow it to download
says: Customer ServicePauline,
I’m happy to try to help, but I would need to know what kind of tablet you have and what operating system it is using.
However, I wonder if the parental controls are set so that no apps can be downloaded, or if only free apps can be downloaded. Can you possibly turn of the parental controls until after you get the app installed?
Please email us at with the make and model of your tablet, as well as operating system and what happens when you try to download the app.
says:If I am working with a group of 3 students do I need to purchase the letter tiles app 3 times? Or will one purchase allow me to have all 3 of them on their iPads at once?
says: Customer ServiceGood question, Rachel.
If all three iPads are set up through Family Sharing, then you can purchase the app once and put it on all three iPads. If the device accounts aren’t connected in that way, then the app would need to be purchased for each device separately.
says:I have three children in various levels of AAS and two in AAR. We love these programs! I’ve always used the app, but I want to try the physical tiles. How important is it to remove the unnecessary tiles before each child’s lesson each day?
says: Customer ServiceGreat question, Tarryn!
When I had multiple kids in multiple levels of All About Reading and Spelling, I kept the tiles everyone was using toward the center of the board, and the ones only the oldest student was using toward the edges, and the in between ones in between. I still put the tiles in their appropriate categories, like the consonant team tiles under the Consonant Team heading, but the higher level ones were at the outside of that category. Does that make sense? I could try to explain further.
Anyway, it worked great, and it had the added bonus of letting the lower level students get a peak at what was coming.
Linda Mann
says:Very interested in program. Have had excellent recommendation. Please keep me informed. thank you
says: Customer ServiceThank you, Linda!
says:I like the idea of the app for the letter tiles. Seems like an easier clean up. Anything to make it less hectic.
says: Customer ServiceSo true, Bailey!
says:This explains tiles so nicely. Thank you!
says: Customer ServiceYou’re welcome, Laura! I’m glad this helped explain things for you.
says:We use the physical tiles for when we are
in the school room and app when we out outside or traveling. Being able to physically move the letters helps my dyslexic daughter connect the different sounds she hears in a word!
says: Customer ServiceMindy,
I love that you have both options for tiles to fit your needs wherever school is happening!
says:Is there an additional fee to use both the app for “in the go” and tiles when at home?
says: Customer ServiceLory,
The Letter Tiles app is an optional one-time purchase that can be used in place of the physical Letter Tiles, or on days that you want to take reading or spelling on the go. It is compatible with Android, Amazon, and Apple tablets and touchscreen Chromebooks only.
says:This program is awesome
says: Customer ServiceThank you, Katie!
says:Thanks for the info, I’m excited to start using AAR with my son
Alix Owens
says:Love this!
says:The app looks like a great option!
Lauren Altomare
says:We are just getting started with our homeschool journey. I think I have one child that would prefer the app and the other that would learn better with the physical tiles. To be honest, I love the color coding. I was on the fence with this problem but after reading through everything I may just have to give it a shot!
says: Customer ServiceLauren,
I agree with you about the color coding! It really helps students to see the various categories of phonograms and to group them more easily in their minds.
Do you have any questions about the program? I’m happy to help.
Lauren Altomare
says:I actually think these blog posts have answered all my questions and concerns! Thank you!
Jaclyn Yacek
says:I just started using AAR1 with my daughter. I think the physical tiles are nice for hands-on learning. I’ve realized that moving forward, it might be better to use the app so I don’t have to spend time tracking down each letter tile I’ll need for a lesson. Love that both options are available, and I am loving the program so far!
says: Customer ServiceI’m so pleased to hear that All About Reading is working out well for you, Jaclyn! Thank you.
says:My son is a sensory seeker (but struggles some with fine motor skills) and he loves the physical tiles! I love that he has started coming up with his own words to spell out when we’re doing the lessons now!
says: Customer ServiceBeth,
I love that the Letter Tiles are so appealing to your son’s sensory seeking!
Brittany Fawson
says:Letter tiles have really helped my daughter learn to read.
says: Customer ServiceI’m so glad to hear that the letter tiles have been helpful for your daughter, Brittany! Thank you.
Heather Connelly
says:We are just starting our reading/spelling journey but this sounds like a fun way to do it!
says: Customer ServiceThank you, Heather!
Summer F.
says:Absolutely love the app! AAR was never on my radar because of the amount of pieces involved. Im so glad I gave it another look because we have ditched all other reading programs I’ve tried through our 11 years of homeschooling, for AAR. We only need level 4 to complete our collection!
says: Customer ServiceSummer,
I’m glad the app made All About Reading approachable for you!
Glenda W.
says:I would Love to purchase the AAR LEVEL …3, for two children, with the proceeds from this GiveAway!
My eldest is almost 12 now. We are finishing up Level 1, and I already have Level 2 to begin this summer. He is severely dyslexic, and he is READING! And HE LOVES TO READ! (Contrary to all that I have heard from others who claimed that persons with dyslexia never enjoy reading even after they are successful at it.) I always held a firm belief that he would enjoy reading as much as I do. He now volunteers to read in his HomeSchool-Community-Day Class, (~5th Grade Language course).
I am so grateful for having found this program, and for it’s creator, Marie Ripple for sharing her “Recipe for Success” from her experience with her family of children with dyslexia. THANK YOU!
I now pray that I will find the recipe for dyscalcula! In the mean time, I am using some similar strategies to those that I learned in the AAR & AAS programs.
says: Customer ServiceGlenda,
I am so excited to hear how well your child is doing, and I love that he loves to read! So wonderful!
Thank you for sharing about his success!
says:We love the tiles and the app. The app makes it easier to switch subjects or to switch between kids without having to reset the whole board by hand. But, there is something fun about using the tiles. So, we use a mix!
says: Customer ServiceJessica,
I love that you found a mix of physical tiles and the app are the best approach for you!
says:We have been loving using letter tiles! My son said the other day he went to find an “a” on a keyboard and reached his left hand out to “pull one down from the whiteboard!” It really sticks!
says: Customer ServiceI love this! Thanks for sharing, Iris.
says:We have used both the App and the physical tiles. I prefer the physical tiles because I’m old school.
says:Using the letter tiles app helped my 5 year oldest excitement to start Level 1! It’s been working great for us.