
Benefits of Audio Books for Children Learning to Read

These days, audio books are becoming more and more available. Their increase in popularity shouldn’t come as a surprise — they provide a range of benefits that many people are only now discovering. Aside from being enjoyable, audio books are great for teaching reading and spelling.

For students who are struggling with these subjects, audio books can really make a difference in their educational experience. Keep reading to discover all the benefits that you and your children or students can enjoy by listening to audio books.

  1. Convenience

    One of the first benefits of audio books that most people think of is convenience. As great as it is to enjoy some quiet time with a book, it’s hard to find free time to set aside for reading. However, even if you don’t have extra time in your schedule to dedicate to reading, you can try to find ways to combine it with other elements of your daily routine, such as when you’re in the car. Because you don’t need to hold audio books in your hands or look at them as you listen, they can be enjoyed in situations where reading is not possible. As long as you have a phone and a set of headphones, you can listen to audio books as you walk or drive to school, do chores outside, tidy your room, or clean up around the house. These are just a few of the situations where audio books are very convenient!

  2. Immersive and Engaging

    Many people think of convenience when they think of audio books, but a lot of audio-book listeners also find them to be more immersive and engaging than reading. Nowadays, a large percentage of audio books are recorded with professional voice actors and narrators that do a lot more than simply read the words on the page. These professionals bring life to the stories they narrate, adding emotion, excitement, and tension that fits perfectly with what they’re reading. This can greatly add to our enjoyment. In fact, many people like to listen to audio books as they read along with a physical book, saying that it helps them focus and creates a more immersive experience.

    In addition to increasing our enjoyment, the ability for audio books to make reading more immersive and engaging is very important for young readers. Audio books can be a great way to build a love of reading for students who struggle to read on their own or simply have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. It can encourage their imagination and help them picture the vivid worlds and stories that books contain.

  3. Helps Build Listening Comprehension

    Listening comprehension is a vital skill for young children. Children naturally build listening comprehension as people talk to them and around them, but when audio books are added to their learning routine, kids benefit from hearing vocabulary, accents, tones, and inflections that are not part of the way their family, friends, and teachers usually speak. This can greatly help with their confidence and comprehension as they face new challenges throughout their education.

    (Check out our blog post on other ways to build listening comprehension!)

  4. Helps Develop Fluency

    One of the most important benefits of audio books, especially for children who are learning how to read, is their ability to serve as fluency role models. When we learn to read, it is important to hear others read well. This demonstrates what is possible and provides a target level to aspire to. When children hear fluent reading, it becomes easier for them to mimic the tone, speed, and inflections that contribute to fluency. It can also make it much easier for them to remember the meaning and pronunciation of new words. This is a big part of why parents and teachers are encouraged to read aloud to their children and students.

    a girl and her mom reading together in bed

  5. Gives Your Voice a Rest

    Many children love being read to, and reading aloud to children is highly recommended. Just like listening to audio books, this cherished activity builds listening comprehension and provides children with fluency role models. However, reading aloud for long periods of time can be tiring for your voice. Adding the occasional audio book to your read-aloud time can give you a break, and it lets you and your student or child enjoy listening together. That means you can laugh together at the funny parts, react together to exciting moments, and turn reading from a solitary activity into something you enjoy together!


Ready to get your hands on some audio books yourself? Thankfully, we have some great resources and examples to get you started. Take a look at some of our favorite audio books and audio-book providers:

  • The Ramona Quimby Collection by Beverly Cleary (narrated by Stockard Channing)
  • Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White (narrated by George Plimpton)
  • Redwall by Brian Jacques (narrated by full cast)
  • KidsRead2Kids – KidsRead2Kids was founded by siblings with dyslexia and ADHD to bring joy and confidence to struggling readers. They provide free video/audio books read by kids for kids, filmed chapter by chapter for easy listening. This is a great resource for homeschooling parents and primary teachers.
  • Learning Ally is a non-profit organization committed to helping dyslexic, blind, and visually impaired students thrive. Check out our blog post for more information on how to get a membership with Learning Ally.

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Audiobooks and our Yoto players have been instrumental in our home education!


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This is so great! I definitely feel like my voice needs a break sometimes but feel like I need to do it all.


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We have loved listening to audiobooks this summer!


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Audio books are great for kids of all ages. My kids love them.


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Love this! It takes some if the pressure off of me!


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Love this! It takes some of the pressure off of me :)


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Yes, we love Audio books as well!


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I love this! My children love audiobooks!



Audiobooks have been a game changer for my son!


says: Customer Service

Wonderful, Kelsey!



My daughter & I both love audiobooks! They’ve been a great addition to our homeschool life especially.


says: Customer Service

Great to hear, Krystal!



My kids love listening to audiobooks during their quiet time every day. I love hearing them recite chunks of the audio back at random!


says: Customer Service

I love that your children are quoting books, Kirsten!

Rebecca Wiley


We love audiobooks, especially while I’m working with my older children. My youngest is able to listen to a book on her own!


says: Customer Service

Thank you, Rebecca! Audiobooks are great for one child to be able to listen to good literature while you teach other children!



Love audiobooks!

Ashley Little


We love doing audio books! It’s a great way for us to also have some down time.


says: Customer Service

Yep! Audiobooks are great for relaxing. Thanks, Ashley.

Savannah Ballard


Yes, we love Audio books!!



Excellent points, and some I had not thought of! I also appreciate that audio books give my kids the satisfaction of “tech time” without mandating actual screen time.


says: Customer Service

Glad we would point out some audiobook benefits you hadn’t thought of, Micha!



We listen to audiobooks daily! It’s a great way for my four kids to get their reading in.



I love audiobooks for my children! It’s been so good to listen in the car or have them follow along in their books while listening to the audio as part of our school day.

Michelle Langley


Audiobooks have been a game changer for us. My 11 year old doesn’t have the same passion for reading that I have, but she has recently found a love of audiobooks.


says: Customer Service

I love that audiobooks have helped your child love books even if she doesn’t love reading!



That’s awesome



My son with dyslexia loves audio books. It helps him continue to enjoy challenging books while we improve his decoding skills using AAR. They are great in the car and I find them helpful for building vocabulary and reading comprehension.


says: Customer Service

Thank you for sharing, Ashley!

Linda L.


We love using audiobooks in our homeschool.



Loved this for level one. My son loved all the games. It makes learning fun.



We love using audiobooks in the car! It has helped us transition to screen free or low screen car trips, and my kids stay engaged and love them!


says: Customer Service

I love that audiobooks are helping you with this!



Audiobooks are amazing! They are a great distraction from screens around here. Also, I’ve noticed that my kiddos have an easier time comprehending foreign accents, such as when we watch BBC documentaries. My husband or I will be unsure of something that was said, but the kiddos are on it.


says: Customer Service

Oooo, great observation on that accent thing, Lauren! Thanks for sharing it.

Rebecca Moss


What a great idea!


says: Customer Service

Thanks, Rebecca!

Stephani Sosa


This is a good idea! I need to start do this for our kids.

Carolyn Krieger


We love audiobooks! They’re a perfect way to entertain the kids on long car rides.


says: Customer Service

So true, Carolyn! Long car rides must include a good audiobook!

Victoria C.


My 12 year old loves following along with a paperback while listening to a book being read to her on Audible. It helps her learn the correct enunciation of words she might struggle with otherwise.


says: Customer Service

Listening to an audiobook while reading along is enjoyed by a lot of people. Thanks.



We love audiobooks! They are especially beneficial for developing executive function and we have seen this in all of our kids. I love audiobooks because it does give my voice a rest and we all get immersed in a story together.


says: Customer Service

Oh, great observation about executive function, Bethany. Thank you!