There are three stages of rhyming—hearing, recognizing, and producing. Find out how to help your child during all three stages!
A large vocabulary is critical for reading comprehension. Here’s how to expand your child’s vocabulary and nurture his or her reading ability.
When you teach, you may assume there’s an unobstructed pipeline between you and your child. But there isn’t …
“Do I need both All About Reading and All About Spelling?” Here’s your answer.
The best way to develop letter knowledge is through a variety of fun, hands-on alphabet experiences.
What makes a “good” teacher? Don’t overlook the immeasurable impact of the student-teacher relationship on your child’s ability to succeed.
If your child has come to the end of the “learn to read” stage, here are some tips for transitioning to the “read to learn” stage.
Find out why simple, step-by-step, multisensory techniques are an important part of teaching a child with autism.
Find out why this commonly referenced phonics “rule” is actually false over 60% of the time.
Automaticity is one of the main goals of All About Reading and All About Spelling, and every lesson brings your child closer to that goal.
Discover the inspiration behind the All About Reading decodable story “Chasing Henry.”
What do a milkshake, a mailbox, and a notebook have in common? Actually, nothing … except that they all happen to be compound words.