
Top 10 Activities for Letter Knowledge

What Is Letter Knowledge?

Letter knowledge–one of the first stepping stones on the path to reading–develops as a child is exposed to letters through play and through planned activities. A child who has achieved letter knowledge recognizes all the letters of the alphabet, in both capital letter and lowercase form, and knows the names and sounds of each.

Five Signs Your Child has Letter Knowledge

five signs of letter knowledge

10 Fun Ways to Develop Letter Knowledge

The best way to develop letter knowledge is through a variety of fun, hands-on alphabet experiences. Here are ten activities to enjoy with your child.

Alphabet Picture books

Explore Alphabet Books

For a fun and cozy way to increase letter knowledge, grab some picture books and a blanket and enjoy reading together! Check out our BIG list of Alphabet Picture Books!

Feel the Alphabet

Feel the Alphabet

Let your child create letters with playdough, build them with building blocks, and feel them with tactile letter cards. If you like to sew, try our do-it-yourself fabric alphabet.

downloadable phonemic awareness game

Explore the Alphabet with Refrigerator Magnets

Interacting with letters helps children get ready for reading and spelling. Check out 8 Ways to Use Refrigerator Magnets for hands-on activities that can be used again and again to help your child learn his letters.

Cut and Paste the Alphabet

Children should learn and master uppercase letters first and then lowercase letters. Our ABC Crafts for Uppercase and Lowercase Letters are the perfect way to learn them!

child works on her lowercase z craft
Alphabet Song

Sing the Alphabet Song

Sing the alphabet song to your kids when they are very young. When they get a bit older, they will naturally start singing along.

Match Different Fonts and Styles

Children need to know that letters in text can look different in different fonts, and that printed letters look different from handwritten letters. The activities in this blog post will help!

little girl shows her letter Y activity
List of great nursery rhyme picture books

Associate Letter Names with the Sounds They Make

Help your child associate letter names with the sounds the letters make. For example, point out the word pizza on the pizza box and say, “We’re having pizza tonight. Pizza starts with P. P says /p/ as in pizza.”

ABC Bracelets

Wear the Alphabet

ABC Bracelets are the perfect letter-of-the-week craft activity. Your child will love being able to admire his letter just by glancing at his wrist.

ABC Bracelets - a letter recognition activity for preschoolers from All About Reading
Feed the Puppy

Feed the Puppy Some Letters

If your little one loves puppies, this is sure to be a hit. Our Feed the Puppy Alphabet Game helps kids practice the alphabet in a fun way.

ABC Caterpillar

Inch Through the Alphabet

Practice recognizing letters and placing them in a-b-c order as you inch your way through the alphabet with this colorful caterpillar.

Letter Knowledge Quick Guide Download

Letter Knowledge Is One of the Big Five Skills

Letter knowledge is one of the five critical skills for reading readiness that we call the Big Five Skills. The other four skills are:

If you’re ready to tackle the rest of the Big Five Skills, be sure to check out the All About Reading Pre-reading program. Your student will enjoy special games, crafts, and story time read-alouds, and you will love the way your student effortlessly learns essential pre-reading skills.

All About Reading Pre-reading

Do you have any questions about letter knowledge? Post in the comments below!

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Who write this information of letter knowledge and in which year



Auther name,place and year of publicity and the editor please


says: Customer Service

All the information I have to give is this article was first published in 2022 and was written by Linda Difino.


says: Customer Service

This article was first published in 2022 and was written by Linda Difino.

Nambeye melvis


Thanks have learnt something


says: Customer Service

You’re welcome, Nambeye.



Thank you for these great ideas.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

You’re welcome, Rosey!

Tracey B


Thank you for all the tips you give.
I am an Education Support Officer at a primary school and have gone back to basics with two of my grade 2 students, who have difficulty sounding out CVC words.



Love this sight for Homeschooling

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Thank you, Lorri! Glad to know the site is helpful for you.

Sarah Theis


So inspired!

Jenny Kiiskila


My almost 3 yr old daughter will love the abc bracelets! Thanks so much for these great ideas and free printables.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

You’re welcome, Jenny. I’m pleased to hear your daughter will enjoy the bracelets!



I never think about practicing matching different font styles- an important skill that’s easily overlooked.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Yes, great point, Ashley. When we know something so well, we can forget that it wasn’t always so easy.



Love All About Learning and their fun ideas!

Marissa Champion


This is great. My little guy has such a hard time with reading

Nidhi C


Very creative craft idea. I love this.

Michelle Franklin


Such fun ideas!

Krissy Longmore


Love the wrist bands!



The bingo dots are so motivating for kids!



I teach Kindergarten and have been using a phonics and sight word balanced approach. ! works with most of my students, but it seems like there are always a few that just struggle. I am looking at this approach to see if this would be a good fit for our school. Thank you for the free resources to try! I will be presenting my findings to the director of curriculum.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

I have emailed you with more information about using our materials in a classroom setting.

Jennifer J


I love the alphabet craft ideas!



Love the crafts for the lowercase letters. What a fun and hands on way to introduce younger learners to phonemic concepts.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Thank you, Kursta.



These ideas are really helpful!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Thanks, Amy!



I will have to try these!



My daughter just started this program last month and her reading has already improved so much. We are excited to see where so will be after we complete the first course.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Oh, this is so wonderful to hear, Tasha! That’s great progress in just a short time! Thank you for sharing.



Really excited to be starting this curriculum with my struggling reader!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Great, Courtney! Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!



Great ideas, and such an awesome curriculum!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Thank you!

Danyl W


These activities look great.



This is a wonderful curriculum. My son was struggling, and this curriculum was the key to unlocking learning. Thank you!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Thank you, Lucretia! I love that this program has helped your son have success with learning!

Shelly Bergman


This Feed the Puppy game is so cute! I love that there is a blank one for them to color as well!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

I’m glad you like the Feed the Puppy game, Shelly! It is such a fun game.



I have purchased this item, and has been using it for my 3 year old girl. She has learned so much from the activity about the letter. We do one letter every other day and review it everyday for the letter we have done. She loves to play the rhythm word games from the activity. Thanks for creating this program!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

I’m so pleased to hear the Pre-reading level of All About Reading is working very well for your 3-year-old girl, Nana! Thank you for sharing.

Laurin Stanford


My 4 year old has mastered letter knowledge (and more, such as rhyming) using the AAR pre-reading kit!!! I highly recommend it for every child showing interest in learning to read. I could have probably used AAR level one this year, but the pre-reading gives a good solid foundation for beginners and that’s exactly what I want for my child! We plan to move on to level 1 next!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

Thank you for sharing this, Laurin! Yes, the Pre-reading Level is specifically designed to ensure students have all the necessary skills to be ready to succeed in learning to read.

Christine Marion


Great ideas! Thank you!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

You’re welcome, Christine!



This is such a great list of ideas! I’m starting to introduce letters to my 3 year old so this will come in handy.

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

I’m glad this will be handy for you and your child, Vanessa!



Thank you for some great ideas!

Robin E.

says: Customer Service

You’re welcome, Darlene!