Shiver me timbers, we love playing pirates! Just look at these scallywags playing hooky from our office in the middle of the day…and on a pirate ship no less! International “Talk Like a Pirate Day” must be right around the corner!
Continue reading…Shiver me timbers, we love playing pirates! Just look at these scallywags playing hooky from our office in the middle of the day…and on a pirate ship no less! International “Talk Like a Pirate Day” must be right around the corner!
Continue reading…Teaching a child to read and spell is not a “one size fits all” proposition. In this article, you will discover five ways to individualize instruction according to your child’s specific needs—making reading and spelling easier.
Continue reading…Have you heard the buzz? This week’s animal letter craft is coming your way and it’s really quite bee-u-tiful! Our B Is for Bee craft is colorful and fun, so let’s get started!
Learning to read isn’t always easy, even under the best of circumstances. But what if you have a child with a significant learning disability like Down syndrome? What’s the best way to teach reading in that situation?
Jennifer and Heidi are real moms with real kids who happen to have Down syndrome. But Down syndrome didn’t stop these amazing moms from believing they could homeschool their boys.
Continue reading…At its most basic level, language arts is about communication: taking in information and sharing information with others. Sounds simple, right?
So why is language arts such a difficult subject to plan and teach?
Continue reading…I know you’ve got a lot to do in a day! And teaching reading and spelling should be one of the easier things on your list. That’s why our programs are designed to help you teach your children in the most efficient, effective way possible, with no fluff and no gaps.
Continue reading…Are you part of a Classical Conversations community, or do you follow the classical model as outlined in The Well-Trained Mind?
Do you have a child enrolled in a classical school or co-op? Or maybe you’re just beginning to explore the idea of using the classical approach in your homeschool.
Continue reading…When you purchase a language arts program, you have a choice to make. Do you place your child according to grade level, or do you place your child according to ability? Your decision will play a significant role in whether your child experiences success or frustration and failure.
Continue reading…Have you and your children discovered the treasures to be found in wordless picture books?
Wordless books are exactly what the term implies—books that tell a story, but without printed story text.
Continue reading…If you’re looking for a new game to try, look no further than Apples to Apples Junior! This fast-paced card game is not only a ton of fun, it’s also a wonderful way to expand vocabulary!
Continue reading…A happy, nurturing environment is essential to a pleasant educational experience. But when your child is frustrated and dragging her feet, no one is learning … and no one is happy! Thankfully, there are several things you can do to encourage an upbeat and motivating atmosphere for reading and spelling lessons. These nine tips will help you keep your child’s reading and spelling lessons motivating—starting today!
Continue reading…Are you wondering how to find the best spelling program for your child? If so, read on—this post is for you!
There are many factors to consider when evaluating a spelling program. But if you’re looking for a spelling program that works, it may be best to begin by considering what doesn’t work for most kids.
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