
Library Lists

Looking for some great books to share with your children? Check out the handpicked selections of picture books and chapter books below. Just click a link and download the Library List at the end of the post. Many of the books on our library lists should be available at your local library. Who knows–you just might find a new family favorite.

To make things even easier for you, we’ve provided convenient links below. Just click on the titles that pique your interest, and you’ll find a downloadable Library List at the end of each post. The Library List contains all the books we’ve curated, making it simple to check their availability at your local library. Sharing the joy of reading with your children has never been this convenient!

We believe that the magic of storytelling can create unforgettable family moments and instill a lifelong love for books. So, gather your little ones around, immerse yourselves in these fantastic reads, and let your imaginations soar. Perhaps, amidst these pages, you’ll discover a new family favorite that will be cherished for generations to come.

Now, just gather the kids and a comfy chair and let the reading begin!

The Mysterious Benedict Society - Chapter Book Reviews from All About Reading

The Mysterious Benedict Society Chapter Books

If you’re looking for a series that packs an adventurous punch and appeals to both boys and girls, check out this bestselling series!

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kids playing in a cardboard pirate ship

Pirate Picture Books

Ahoy! These perfectly delightful pirate picture books will leave your little ones clamoring for more.

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child holding a small globe

Around the World with Picture Books

Bring the world right into your living room with picture books! Grab our library list and travel the world!

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The Best Picture Books about Bravery + Free Library List

Picture Books about Bravery

If you have a child who needs a little dose of courage, check out a few of these wonderful picture books about bravery!

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the incorrigible children open a secret door

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place Chapter Books

This six-book mystery series explores the unusual origins of the Incorrigible Children and how they came to be left in the woods to be raised by wolves.

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shades of brown hands reaching up

Black History Picture Books

This selection of picture books will introduce your child to important stories of courage, strength, and determination.

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Fairy Tales with a Twist - All About Reading

Fairy Tales with a Twist

Do you remember having fairy tales read to you when you were a child? I have some fun fairy tales to share with you this month, but these are not your typical fairy tales. These are fairy tales with a…

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Holiday Picture Books Around the World

No matter where you live or how you celebrate the holidays, this is the most wonderful time of the year!

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Gooney Bird Greene Chapter Book Reviews from All About Reading

Gooney Bird Greene Chapter Books

If your child is eager to explore a series of humorous chapter books, here’s one you won’t want to miss!

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Wordless Picture Books - All About Reading

Wonderful Wordless Picture Books

Have you and your children discovered the treasures to be found in wordless picture books?

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A to Z Mysteries - Chapter Book Reviews from All About Reading

A to Z Mysteries Chapter Books

Millions of kids have read the A to Z Mysteries series and it’s easy to see why. Check out this free library list.

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Redwall Chapter Books Reviews - from All About Reading

Redwall Chapter Books

Are you looking for a classic series to add to your family read-aloud time? Explore the Redwall series.

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