
Library Lists

Looking for some great books to share with your children? Check out the handpicked selections of picture books and chapter books below. Just click a link and download the Library List at the end of the post. Many of the books on our library lists should be available at your local library. Who knows–you just might find a new family favorite.

To make things even easier for you, we’ve provided convenient links below. Just click on the titles that pique your interest, and you’ll find a downloadable Library List at the end of each post. The Library List contains all the books we’ve curated, making it simple to check their availability at your local library. Sharing the joy of reading with your children has never been this convenient!

We believe that the magic of storytelling can create unforgettable family moments and instill a lifelong love for books. So, gather your little ones around, immerse yourselves in these fantastic reads, and let your imaginations soar. Perhaps, amidst these pages, you’ll discover a new family favorite that will be cherished for generations to come.

Now, just gather the kids and a comfy chair and let the reading begin!

Summer reading library list

Summer Picture Books

These books will provide a summer full of fun for the whole family, even if you can’t leave home.

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Picture books for spring featured graphic

Picture Books for Spring

Welcome the warmth and wonder of spring with these wonderful picture books!

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boy catching snowflakes on his tongue.

Wonderful Picture Books for Winter

Snuggle up with your kids for a family read-aloud with a few of these heart-warming stories for winter.

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Sword-wielding rabbits fight enemies in The Green Ember

The Green Ember Chapter Books

Suspense, courage, and rabbits with swords–if your child loves action and adventure, check out The Green Ember series.

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little girl playing in autumn leaves

Picture Books for Fall

‘Tis the season for apples, pumpkins, sweaters, and this collection of picture books about fall!

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Picture Books About Grandparents - book reviews from All About Reading

Picture Books about Grandparents

This beautiful collection of picture books honors grandpas and grandmas from many cultures and periods of history.

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Wingfeather Saga Chapter Books

If you’re searching for a fantasy series that your older children will enjoy, don’t miss this review of Andrew Peterson’s popular Wingfeather Saga.

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Interactive Picture Books - Book Reviews from All About Reading

Favorite Interactive Picture Books

Reading to an active child can be a challenge, but interactive picture books can be a huge help.

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Mercy Watson Takes A Ride

Mercy Watson Chapter Books

There’s more to Mercy Watson than meets the eye. This endearing pig is the star of Kate DiCamillo’s delightful chapter book series.

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the white house of the united states

Picture Books about Presidents

If your kids think history is boring, this selection of presidential picture books just might change their minds!

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Favorite Picture Books for Christmas - Picture Book Reviews from All About Reading

Favorite Picture Books for Christmas

It’s the “most wonderful time of the year” and reading a few of these wonderful books together will make it extra special.

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thanksgiving table decorations

Picture Books for Thanksgiving

These picture books demonstrate gratitude, show kindheartedness, and explain the rich traditions of Thanksgiving.

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