

girl creating a contraction on whiteboard

How to Teach Contractions

Give your child a solid understanding of how contractions are formed and what they actually mean.

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Why Copywork Doesn’t Always Work for Teaching Spelling

Here are a few things to consider before choosing to use copywork as part of your child’s spelling program.

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How to Teach Schwas

Explore several strategies to help your children deal with words that have muffled vowel sounds in the unaccented syllable.

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girl climbing a ladder with no gaps

The “No Gaps” Approach to Reading and Spelling

Most reading and spelling problems are caused by gaps in the curriculum. That’s why AAR and AAS teach with a “no gaps” approach.

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segmenting featured graphic

Segmenting: A Critical Skill for Spelling

Segmenting is a crucial spelling skill. It has unlocked the door to spelling for many kids—including older kids who have struggled with spelling.

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a scientist suffering from the curse of knowledge

How to Avoid the “Curse of Knowledge” as You Teach

When you attempt to teach your child, sometimes knowledge can be a hindrance. Surprised? It’s called the Curse of Knowledge.

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a reading book and a time

How Much Time Should You Spend On Reading?

“How much time should I spend teaching reading?” It’s a common question with a somewhat surprising answer.

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Teaching Rhyming to Preschoolers - All About Reading

5 Ways to Teach Rhyming

There are three stages of rhyming—hearing, recognizing, and producing. Find out how to help your child during all three stages!

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What’s the Difference Between AAR & AAS?

“Do I need both All About Reading and All About Spelling?” Here’s your answer.

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boy working on an all about spelling lesson

The Right Time to Start Spelling Instruction

What’s the right time to start All About Spelling? Here are some common scenarios and our recommendations.

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organization tools featured graphic

Organizational Tools I Couldn’t Homeschool Without

Explore our list of must-have organizational tools for homeschooling families.

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a pin and a pen

6 Tips to Help Distinguish Between Short I and Short E

Vowel sounds /ĭ/ and /ĕ/ can sound a lot alike. These tips can help your child discriminate between these sounds.

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