
Library Lists

Looking for some great books to share with your children? Check out the handpicked selections of picture books and chapter books below. Just click a link and download the Library List at the end of the post. Many of the books on our library lists should be available at your local library. Who knows–you just might find a new family favorite.

To make things even easier for you, we’ve provided convenient links below. Just click on the titles that pique your interest, and you’ll find a downloadable Library List at the end of each post. The Library List contains all the books we’ve curated, making it simple to check their availability at your local library. Sharing the joy of reading with your children has never been this convenient!

We believe that the magic of storytelling can create unforgettable family moments and instill a lifelong love for books. So, gather your little ones around, immerse yourselves in these fantastic reads, and let your imaginations soar. Perhaps, amidst these pages, you’ll discover a new family favorite that will be cherished for generations to come.

Now, just gather the kids and a comfy chair and let the reading begin!

Picture Books about Winter - Picture Book Reviews from All About Reading

Snowman Picture Books

You’ll love this beautiful collection of snowman picture books! Print our downloadable library list and enjoy with your children!

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girl with hearing aid reading a comic book

Motivating Young Readers with Graphic Novels

Loaded with illustrations and short text blurbs, graphic novels might be just what you need to open a new world of reading for your child.

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children running after a soccer ball

Picture Books for Sports Lovers

This collection of picture books is exactly what you need to get your young sports lover off the field and into a book!

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Picture Books for Adventurers - All About Reading

Picture Books for Adventurers

Get ready for a world of adventure! With these picture books for adventurers, every day brings new excitement.

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young girl reading a magazine

Magazines for Kids of All Ages

Magazines can be a great way to motivate a reluctant reader. Check out our extensive library list!

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“Mind Your Manners” Picture Books

If you find yourself having to say things like “say please” a little too often, you’ll appreciate this lineup of picture books.

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Picture Books About Kindess - Picture Book Reviews from All About Reading

Picture Books about Kindness

This selection of picture books will help your children become more aware the ways they can show kindness every day.

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baby polar bear in the snow

Polar Bear Picture Books

The fun-loving polar bears may enjoy playing out in the cold and snow, but their stories will warm your heart!

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emperor penguin in snowy scene

Penguin Picture Books

If winter gets you down, this collection of penguin picture books may just remind you that winter isn’t so bad after all!

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cute mice tumtum and nutmeg on a boat

Tumtum and Nutmeg Chapter Books

Tumtum and Nutmeg Nutmouse are always ready to solve problems, fight enemies, and outwit troublemakers. Join the fun in this seven-book series!

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Ralph S. Mouse riding his tiny motorcycle.

Ralph S. Mouse Chapter Books

A mouse . . . with a motorcycle? Why, yes! This classic series is a true delight.

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illustration from Henry Reed series book

Henry Reed Chapter Books

A likeable hero, endless adventures, a timeless setting, and illustrations by Robert McCloskey. What more could you want in a chapter book series?

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