
Decodable Books: Why They’re Important

all about reading decodable book featured graphic

Some children seem to learn to read by osmosis; they just “get it” without having to learn the phonics code that makes sense of reading.

But learning to read isn’t always that simple.

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Reading Readiness: The Top 5 Skills

Reading Readiness - The Top 5 Skills - All About Reading

Did you know that there are five skills your child should master before you begin formal reading instruction? Because these reading readiness skills are so important, we call them The Big Five Skills.

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How to Teach Contractions

girl creating a contraction on whiteboard

Would you like to help your child avoid some of the most common errors in written English? Today we’re talking about the misuse of contractions, especially when it comes to words like it’s vs. its and you’re vs. your.

You’ve probably seen these mistakes; maybe they’ve even made you cringe.

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10 Tips for Reaching Your Struggling Learner

a struggling learner featured graphic

When your child is a struggling learner, it can be scary.

My son struggled with reading and spelling, so I know firsthand what that fear feels like.

You feel responsible for making sure your child grows up being able to read and spell proficiently, because you know that your child’s future options will be limited without those essential skills.

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Picture Books about Presidents

the white house of the united states

Did you know that President Taft was so big he needed to have a jumbo-sized bathtub installed in the White House? Or that George Washington’s first set of false teeth were made out of hippopotamus ivory? If your kids think history is boring, these books just might change their minds!

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Rhyming with Candy Hearts

pink and purple rhyming heart cards

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we have a sweet rhyming activity for your kids! And it’s designed for all ages, because rhyming continues to be an important part of phonological awareness even as students move on to more advanced reading.

Let’s get started!

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M Is for Marvelous Mittens

finished mitten snack

Don’t Put Those Mittens Away!

When winter hangs on and the snow keeps piling up, a bit of extra warmth is just what the weatherman ordered!

But not ALL mittens are for wearing. These mittens are for eating!

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Why Copywork Doesn’t Always Work for Teaching Spelling

Perhaps you’ve heard of using copywork to teach spelling. Maybe you’ve even assigned some spelling copywork to your children. Still, you may be wondering about the benefits of this popular homeschool discipline.

And more importantlydoes it really work?

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How to Teach Schwas

Maybe you haven’t heard of schwas before, or maybe you’ve heard of them but are wondering how to teach schwas to your children. If so—read on! By the end of this post, I hope to have helped you make sense of the schwa.

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8 Ways to Use Refrigerator Magnets

using refrigerator magnets to teach the aphabet

Here are eight fantastic ways to develop pre-reading skills using alphabet refrigerator magnets (with no mess or fuss)! And if magnets don’t stick to your fridge, you can do these same activities using a metal baking sheet or the front of your dishwasher.

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The “No Gaps” Approach to Reading and Spelling

girl climbing a ladder with no gaps

Does your child have gaps in reading and spelling?

Hundreds of thousands of children struggle to learn to read and spell. They spend hour after tiring hour being fed information, only to eventually be tagged as “unable to read” or labeled with a learning disability that keeps them from being able to spell.

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Segmenting: A Critical Skill for Spelling

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If your student is a beginning or struggling speller, one of the most important things you can do is teach him how to segment words. Knowing how to segment opens up a whole world of literacy. In fact, it’s surprising that this important spelling skill isn’t taught more widely, especially given how easy it is to teach.

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