
Auditory Processing Disorder: 10 Ways to Help Your Child

girl's face with flower behind her ear

If you have a child who is struggling with an auditory processing disorder (APD), you probably have many questions.

And the biggest question of all is, “What can I do to help?” I have heard it again and again from concerned parents.

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Real Moms, Real Kids: A Typical Week with All About Spelling

Have you ever wondered what’s involved in a typical week with AAS?

Cassandra Ginter and Merry Marinello are real moms who use All About Reading and All About Spelling with their own kids. They are both also part of our Customer Care team, where their hands-on experience puts them in a great position to help other parents unlock the power of AAR and AAS.

We asked Cassandra and Merry to share their routines for using AAS in their homes, and they even provided some fantastic tips for added enjoyment, ease, and effectiveness. Join Cassandra as she takes us through a week with her eight-year-old student, currently using the Level 2 Color Edition, and then read about a typical week for Merry and her teen student as they progress through Level 6.

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Introducing Birds of a Feather: A Reading and Spelling Review Book

If you love the colorful activities in All About Reading, All About Spelling, or our supplemental Something Fishy review book, then we have an exciting announcement for you! Today we’re thrilled to introduce our brand-new reading and spelling review book: Birds of a Feather!

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Picture Books about Grandparents

Picture Books About Grandparents - book reviews from All About Reading

This beautiful collection of picture books about grandparents honors grandpas and grandmas from many cultures and periods of history. As you share these books with your children, you’ll be reminded how fortunate we are to have the strength and guidance of the older generation.

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Picture Books about Underwater Creatures

The ocean is a vast and mysterious place, and what better way to explore it than with this collection of twenty amazing aquatic picture books? Meet countless underwater creatures, dive into their habitats, and discover all the FIN-tastic secrets of the ocean—all without dipping a toe in the water!

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Creating the Alphabet with Building Blocks

Creating the Alphabet with Building Blocks - a letter recognition activity for preschoolers from All About Reading

One of the most effective ways to help your child learn the letters is through play. Creating the alphabet with building blocks, such as Lego, is a fun way for preschoolers to become more familiar with letters.

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How to Start Homeschooling

Congratulations! You’ve decided to start homeschooling! If you’re feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, don’t worry—that’s totally normal. After all, the decision to homeschool is an important commitment and responsibility, but the rewards are incredible. Is it a big undertaking? YES! However, it’s also the start of an amazing journey for your family. And we’re here to help with any questions you have along the way!

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How to Organize All About Reading…or Not!

You’ve probably heard that we make it easy to customize our programs to suit your student’s needs, but did you know that All About Reading can meet your needs too? Watch the video below to see how!

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H Is for Handy Hammy Roll-ups

Looking for teaching tips for the Letter H? Here’s a tasty idea! Enjoy a delicious snack that starts with the letter H. Get all the deliciousness (and double the fun) of a ham sandwich in these easy-to-make, yummy-to-eat roll-ups.

One of the snacks from my ABC Snacks Series that can double as lunch, Handy Hammy Roll-ups are as fun to make as they are to eat.

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Signs of a Reading Problem

signs of a reading problem featured graphic

Do you suspect that your child has a reading problem? If so, you’re not alone.

Lots of parents come to us looking for answers to their children’s reading problems. My own son had struggles with reading when he was young, so not only do I have the help you need, I also understand firsthand what you’re going through.

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Does Your Child’s Spelling List Make Sense?

Does Your Child's Spelling List Make Sense? - a post from All About Spelling

Spelling lists are the foundation of many spelling programs. But when you take a closer look, you’ll see that most spelling lists don’t make sense to the student. In fact, most lists have major flaws that actually keep kids from learning to spell.

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ABC Caterpillar: A Letter Recognition Activity

ABC Caterpillar - a letter recognition activity for preschoolers from All About Reading

Is there any better way to learn the alphabet than with a cute ABC caterpillar? This adorable activity promotes letter recognition and builds pre-reading skills.

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