
Introducing All About Spelling Level 3 Color Edition!

Have you heard? All About Spelling Level 3 got a makeover!

Here at All About Learning Press, we’ve always made it a priority to listen to you—our users. Over the years, All About Spelling users have consistently requested two things: activity books and full-color materials. Last year we released the updated Color Editions of All About Spelling Level 1 and Level 2, and now we’re delighted to announce that the gorgeous new Color Edition of All About Spelling Level 3, complete with activity book, is now available!

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20 Activities for Kinesthetic Learning

3 pathways to the brain graphic

Kinesthetic activities (also known as hands-on activities) are fantastic for teaching reading and spelling. The term kinesthetic refers to touching, doing, experiencing, or being physically active. The kinesthetic pathway is one of the three main pathways to the brain.

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Wonderful Picture Books for Winter

boy catching snowflakes on his tongue.

Ahh…winter! There’s just so much to love—the stillness of the night after a blanket of snow has covered the ground; the crunch of snow underfoot; and curling up in front of a crackling fire with a blanket, a cup of tea, and a wonderful picture book for winter! And speaking of books, the books below will bring warmth to even the chilliest winter day!

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Spelling Rules for Making Words Plural

ice cream cone rules making words plural

When making words plural, why do you add S to some words but ES to others? And when a word ends with Y, how do you know whether to change the Y to I before adding the plural suffix? And why on earth does the word knife become knives?

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Helping Kids Deal with Perfectionism While Reading

Perfectionism is a challenge that many students face, and not only does it take the enjoyment out of learning to read, but it can severely block a student’s progress. Take a look at some effective strategies for helping kids deal with perfectionism while learning how to read.

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10 Salt Trays for Fun Writing Practice

child practicing writing in a salt tray

If you’ve been hanging around our blog for any length of time, you have probably heard me talk about multisensory learning and how important it is. When kids learn with all their senses, they are far more likely to remember what they learn.

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A Handy Guide to Short Vowel Sounds

Short vowel sounds are the most common vowel sounds in the English language. Thankfully, these sounds are fairly easy to spell. Let’s dive in!

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Beep! Bang! Boom! Let’s Learn about Onomatopoeia

You know that dogs bark and cats meow—but have you ever wondered how these words came to be? Say bark and meow out loud—do you notice anything interesting? That’s right—they sound like what they mean!

When a word sounds like or imitates the thing it describes, it is called onomatopoeia (ŏn–ō–mah–tō–pē–uh).

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Jólabókaflód: a Christmas Tradition for Book-Loving Families

jolabokaflod featured graphic

Once upon a time, the people of Iceland developed a wonderful holiday tradition. And then, thanks to the power of the Internet, the rest of the world learned of this delightful holiday activity and adopted it wholeheartedly. If you haven’t already joined the fun of Jólabókaflód, you’re about to discover a jolly holiday treat!

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Helping Kids Sound Out Words

Helping Kids Sound Out Words - ideas and solutions

When you read, you probably don’t spend much time decoding the individual words. You just read, and as you get to each word, you instantly recognize it. But beginning readers don’t have that kind of instant recall yet, so it is important to teach them how to sound out words.

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How to Handle Tears and Frustration in Your Homeschool

tears and frustration featured graphic

Do spelling lessons make your child want to throw her pencil across the room? Do tears seem to go hand-in-hand with learning to read? Are you walking on eggshells, wondering how the “dreaded” subject will go today?

When kids struggle, moms tend to blame themselves …

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“Go Dance!”: a Free Printable Thanksgiving Activity

If you’re always on the lookout for ways to make practicing reading more fun for your children, then you’re going to love our new “Go Dance!” activity! This free printable Thanksgiving activity is perfect for getting in the holiday spirit, but we think these dancing turkeys are so cute that you’ll want to enjoy them all year long.

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