
Benefits of Audio Books for Children Learning to Read

These days, audio books are becoming more and more available. Their increase in popularity shouldn’t come as a surprise — they provide a range of benefits that many people are only now discovering. Aside from being enjoyable, audio books are great for teaching reading and spelling.

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Word Flippers

word flippers featured graphic

Have you seen our Word Flippers?

Word Flippers are a super popular part of the All About Reading program. They are fun and motivating for kids, and a simple-yet-effective tool for you as the teacher.

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The Green Ember Chapter Books

Sword-wielding rabbits fight enemies in The Green Ember

What happens when you combine the style of classic fantasy series like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings with a group of adventuresome sword-wielding rabbits? You get The Green Ember series by S. D. Smith, of course!

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How To Make Your Own Fabric Alphabet

basket of fabric letters

Playing with the alphabet is a great way to help your preschooler learn the alphabet and promote letter recognition, and this easy-to-make fabric alphabet will provide hours of kid-friendly, educational fun!

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A Handy Guide to Long Vowel Sounds

Ostrich holding a sign with long vowel sounds

When you teach reading and spelling, it’s a good idea to have a general overview of long vowel sounds. Let’s dive in!

A long vowel is a vowel that is pronounced the same as its name. For example, the word emu starts with the long E sound.

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Sight Words: What You Need to Know

If you’ve been teaching reading for a while, you’ve undoubtedly come across the term sight words, and you probably have some questions about them. Should you teach sight words? What’s the best way to approach sight words? Is it bad to use a curriculum that teaches sight words?

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4 Spelling Strategies You Won’t Want to Miss

all about spelling curriculum and letter tiles board

Some kids are just naturally “good spellers.” And then there are those who need all the help they can get.

If spelling doesn’t come easily to your child—or if you want to get your child started on the right foot—this post is for you! Read along to learn about four powerful spelling strategies to help your student, including free resources to get you started.

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Is the “Matthew Effect” Affecting Your Child’s Desire to Read?

upward and downward spirals and the Matthew Effect

Does your child dislike reading? Would your child rather do chores than read a book? Does your child avoid reading whenever possible? When it’s time for reading lessons, are there tears or grumpiness involved?

Children who dislike reading are usually struggling readers. Just as nonathletic people tend to avoid exercise, struggling readers tend to avoid books and everything else related to reading.

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How to Handle Spelling Rule Breakers

Learning how to spell words that don’t follow the rules can be … well boring. And we can’t have that!

In All About Spelling, we’ve labeled unruly words like said, who, and been as “Rule Breakers,” and we’ve created several motivating ways to make learning to spell these words a bit easier … and a lot more fun!

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Make Your Own Tactile Letter Cards

Tactile Letter Cards - a letter recognition activity from All About Reading

Have you heard about tactile letter cards? Children learn about the world around them through their senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting. And of course… Children learn by touching.

Here at All About Learning Press, we’re really big on the multisensory approach because learning is so much more effective when children learn through all their senses. Our tactile letter cards download provides a great multisensory way for little ones to learn about the alphabet.

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Break the “Word Guessing” Habit

child guessing at a word while reading

Does your child guess at unknown words instead of sounding them out?

The “word guessing” habit can stand in the way of learning to read. In this post, you’ll learn why kids guess and how you can solve the problem.

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A Is for Ants-Go-Munching

ABC Snacks - Ants Go Munching

Your kids are going to LOVE this fun and colorful snack idea!

Like most of our ABC Snacks, this one pairs healthy yet yummy eating with a hands-on recipe that preschoolers can help create. Include foods from every food group and Appetizing Ants-Go-Munching can become a tasty lunch instead of just a snack.

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